Thursday, November 24, 2011

How To Lower Your High Blood Pressure Without Medication

Millions of people in the world are the victims of this condition which is also known as 'the silent killer'.

This is because unless high blood pressure or hypertension is detected and treated, it can cause strokes,blindness,kidney diseases or heart attacks. Doctors will usually prescribe medication to lower your blood pressure but there are several ways to do this the natural way.

If your systolic pressure (the top number) is 140 or above or your diastolic pressure (the bottom number) is 90 or above,you must consult a physician to treat your hypertension.

It is a great pity that many people have died or been physically and mentally incapacitated because of their failure to take this condition seriously.Of course there are many who have fallen victim because they cannot afford medical treatment.

There is no cure for hypertension but the condition can be treated.

I will give some useful tips on what helps lower blood pressure.
The most important thing to do is to change your lifestyle. Our modern sedentary style of living makes us all susceptible to this condition.

We need to do some simple exercises like brisk walking,swimming and cycling.This should be done for about 20 minutes everyday.For those who are busy, brisk walking for about 10 minutes everyday will suffice.

Cut down on the intake of salt and eat a healthy diet like vegetables and fruits that contain pottasium and whole grain meals and low cholesterol foods.

Drink coffee in moderation and avoid binge drinking

Try to kick the smoking habit and be careful to avoid secondary or passive smoking which is just as bad.

Lower your weight and reduce the amount of fat in your waistline.There is a link between weight and high blood pressure.

Stress is extremely harmful to your health and causes blood pressure to rise.While we cannot completely avoid the stresses of modern life,we can certainly learn to manage it.Learn to relax and take up yoga and breathing exercises.Go for a massage if you like.

Last but not least, monitor your high blood pressure on a regular basis and get advice to manage hypertension from a support group .

Who else wants to know what helps lower blood pressure. Discover the natural way to lower blood pressure within 4-6 weeks without the harmful side effects of blood pressure medication?

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